Hallo zusammen,
leider habe ich das Problem, dass wenn ich aus RageMP heraus auf VIO connecten will, das Spiel bei 8 von 10 Versuchen direkt nachdem das GTA V App-Fenster auf geht wieder crasht.
Ich habe GTA V über Steam gekauft und es wird auch aus dem steamapps-Verzeichnis heraus gestartet.
Ganz konkret passiert folgendes:
- Ich öffne RageMP
- Ich suche VIO heraus
- Ich klicke auf den Server
- Das Anticheat-Tool geht auf
- Rockstar GameService geht auf und verbindet sich (vermutlich)
- Das GTA V-Fenster geht auf
- Der Rahmen und die Titelleiste des Fensters, das im Fenstermodus auf geht, werden grau
- Es vergehen 3-4 Sekunden, in denen in dem Fenster nichts angezeigt wird
- Das Fenster, RageMP, Rockstar GameService etc. gehen alle komplett zu
Der Vollständigkeit halber habe ich das vollständige Log vom RageMP-Launcher bei Pastebin hochgeladen => https://pastebin.com/fmLM2c0m
Die letzten (vermutlich maßgeblichen) Zeilen sehen so aus:
[2022-11-09 16:31:51.568] [DISPLAY] [ 7668] [gamelaunch] Launching game...
[2022-11-09 16:31:51.568] [DISPLAY] [ 7668] [gamelaunch] Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\GTA5.exe
[2022-11-09 16:31:51.568] [DISPLAY] [ 7668] [gamelaunch] Command Line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\GTA5.exe" -skipPatcherCheck @args.txt @commandline.txt -enableCrashpad -useSteam -steamAppId=271590 -scCommerceProvider=4
[2022-11-09 16:31:51.568] [DISPLAY] [ 7668] [gamelaunch] Working Directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V
[2022-11-09 16:32:29.747] [DISPLAY] [ 7668] [gamelaunch] Game exited with code 0xc0000005 (3221225477)
[2022-11-09 16:32:29.748] [DISPLAY] [ 7668] [crashdetection] Game left no exit file.
[2022-11-09 16:32:29.748] [ ERROR ] [ 7668] [crashdetection] Exit code 0xc0000005 indicates a fatal game exit (reason: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
[2022-11-09 16:32:29.754] [DISPLAY] [Main ] [cloudsaveop] Cloud Save sync requested for title 'gta5'
[2022-11-09 16:32:29.771] [DISPLAY] [Main ] [cloudsaveop] Starting cloud save enabled check for title 'gta5'
[2022-11-09 16:32:29.773] [DISPLAY] [Main ] [cloudsaveop] Received cloud saves enabled state for title 'gta5' = enabled
[2022-11-09 16:32:29.773] [DISPLAY] [Main ] [cloudsaveop] Identifying potential cloud save conflicts for title 'gta5'
[2022-11-09 16:32:30.383] [DISPLAY] [Main ] [cloudsaveop] Received modification list of cloud save files for title 'gta5'
[2022-11-09 16:32:30.383] [DISPLAY] [Main ] [cloudsaveop] Retrieving conflict metadata for title 'gta5'
[2022-11-09 16:32:30.400] [DISPLAY] [Main ] [cloudsaveop] Downloaded conflict metadata for title 'gta5'
[2022-11-09 16:32:30.400] [DISPLAY] [Main ] [cloudsaveop] Posting updated files for title 'gta5'
[2022-11-09 16:32:30.417] [DISPLAY] [Main ] [cloudsaveop] File uploading completed for title 'gta5'
[2022-11-09 16:32:30.417] [DISPLAY] [Main ] [cloudsaveop] Getting update files for title 'gta5'
[2022-11-09 16:32:30.435] [DISPLAY] [Main ] [cloudsaveop] File downloading completed for title 'gta5'
[2022-11-09 16:32:30.435] [DISPLAY] [Main ] [cloudsaveop] Deleting updated files for title 'gta5'
[2022-11-09 16:32:30.451] [DISPLAY] [Main ] [cloudsaveop] Files deletion completed for title 'gta5'
[2022-11-09 16:32:30.451] [DISPLAY] [Main ] [cloudsaveop] Swapping updated files in place for title 'gta5'
[2022-11-09 16:32:30.468] [DISPLAY] [Main ] [cloudsaveop] Finished syncing cloud saves for title 'gta5'
[2022-11-09 16:32:31.284] [DISPLAY] [ 7668] [launcher] Shutdown requested: false, false
[2022-11-09 16:32:31.302] [DISPLAY] [Main ] [launcher] StartShutdown - Now in progress
[2022-11-09 16:32:32.221] [DISPLAY] [Main ] [app] Application quit requested (exit code: 0)
Vielleicht kann mir ja jemand helfen!
Vielen lieben Dank!